As Creative & Marketing Manager at Buckhead Village, I managed holiday programming, decor & installations. I facilitated a partnership with the German Cultural Alliance to bring the annual Christkindl Market to the property, which has now become an annual Atlanta tradition. In addition, I planned and executed events with the Atlanta Ballet, Chabad Buckhead of Atlanta, Holiday Sip & Strolls, Street festivals & markets with local makers.
I also coordinated and managed installation for our annual tree lights, flag pole banners, window displays, and more, to create an enhanced property for the holidays.
Parking revenue up +86% over LY
Foot Traffic up 37% over LY
Social Media posts resulted in 97,920 impressions
Paid Media resulted in 1,058,953 impressions
Featured in over 70 stories in local publications resulting in 10.5 million impressions
Holiday programming 2022
Buckhead Village District
Photography credit: Caleb Jones
Marketing Campaign in partnership with Atlanta Ballet 2
Featured in The Atlantan and Simply Buckhead