As Creative & Marketing Manager at Buckhead Village, I managed holiday programming, decor & installations. I facilitated a partnership with the German Cultural Alliance to bring the annual Christkindl Market to the property, which has now become an annual Atlanta tradition. In addition, I planned and executed events with the Atlanta Ballet, Chabad Buckhead of Atlanta, Holiday Sip & Strolls, Street festivals & markets with local makers.

I also coordinated and managed installation for our annual tree lights, flag pole banners, window displays, and more, to create an enhanced property for the holidays.


  • Parking revenue up +86% over LY

  • Foot Traffic up 37% over LY

  • Social Media posts resulted in 97,920 impressions

  • Paid Media resulted in 1,058,953 impressions

  • Featured in over 70 stories in local publications resulting in 10.5 million impressions

Holiday programming 2022
Buckhead Village District

Photography credit: Caleb Jones
Marketing Campaign in partnership with Atlanta Ballet 2
Featured in The Atlantan and Simply Buckhead

Bodacious Blooms

Digital Marketing

In The Press